The Infra works to encourage the fomulation of government policies that support investiment in the sustainable development of Missouri's crushed stone resources and to communicate the economic importance and environmentally responsbile nature of the crushed stone industry to the public and to government. One of the methods utiilized by Infra to achieve that goal is our advocacy work in Jefferson City. Our registered lobbyists regularly communicate with government officials in both the legislative and executive branches. We monitor legislation, work with legislators, public officials and other industry trade associations to engage on specific pieces of legislation, both for and against, and we provide expert testimony and current information to lawmakers and regulatory authorities.
Infra has been actively engaged in traditional mining issue legislation/regulation and has also engaged in significant tort reform and worker’s compensation issues.
Mining Property Tax Assessment - In 2020, the Infra defeated 3 pieces of legislation that would have led to a change in method on appraisal/assessment of taxes on aggregate operations. This method could have resulted in increases of property taxes by 1,000% or more for Infra members.
Transportation Infrastructure – 2019, the Infra testified on multiple pieces of legislation dealing with the need for increases in transportation infrastructure funding.
Business Premises Liability – In 2018, the Infra supported SB608, the Business Premises Liability Act. Under this act, a business can also claim as affirmative defense that it had implemented reasonable security measures, the incident occurred when the business was closed, or that the claimant was a trespasser or committing a felony.
Blasting Safety and Operation Fees - In 2018, Infra was responsible for passing updates to the Missouri Blasting Safety Act, which involved raising the fees placed on explosives for the purposes of funding state inspections. State inspections are incredibly important to Infra members as they often provide information from a third party that is used in defense of complaints and lawsuits by adjoining landowners. It took two years of intense work to pass this legislation.
Mining Property Tax Assessment - In 2016, Infra led the lobbying effort to pass legislation that provides fairness to mining and quarry operations in the appraisal/assessment of taxes on real property. This was in response to assessors in several counties that hired an out-of-state consultant who used an inappropriate method of appraisal to increase property taxes by 1,000% or more. Like the explosives fee bill in 2018, this took two years to pass.
DNR Fees - In 2016 Infra participated in a successful effort to stop legislation that would have transferred DNR permit fees held in a temporary reserve account to the state’s general revenue account.
Permitting - In 2014 INfra added language to land reclamation legislation that streamlines and clarifies the path to obtaining permits or permit modifications for new mining operations, expansions or transfers.
Transportation of aggregates - In 2012 Infra led the effort to pass legislation that requires municipalities to provide at least one street for commercial truck traffic. This insures that dump trucks have direct access to state highways.
Permitting and public testimony - In 2011 Infra was heavily involved in passing legislation modifying the land reclamation law requiring that anyone opposing a permit issuance must present strong evidence regarding adverse effects to their health, safety and livelihood (instead of merely an allegation) before they have legal standing to challenge a permit.
MSHA reform - In 2018, Infra compiled comments from its members in response to President Trumps’s Executive Order 13777, which called for a review of federal regulations. MSHA posted a website soliciting comments and Infra, through the work of it’s Safety Committee, submitted the most comprehensive list of comments of any organization with a total of 34 comments.
E-Permitting – Infra was the sole Association invited to participate in the development and testing of a new E-Permitting process specific to the Land Reclamation Program.
Stormwater Permits – In 2017, InfraA met with MDNR Water Pollution Control personnel numerous times to help develop, review and critic the New MOG49 Master General Stormwater Permit for our industry.
Elimination of Permits - Infra filed several comments in 2017 with DNR regarding the Red Tape Reduction Act, Missouri’s efforts to reduce unnecessary and burdensome regulations. Infra filed comments on particulate matter in ambient air, called for the elimination of the state Basic Operating Permit and to remove the requirement of outfall signage associated with the General Permit for Storm Water Discharge. In response to these comments, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has filed rulemaking changes eliminating the Basic Operation Permit and has agreed to address the outfall signs when it revises the Storm Water Discharge permit in the near future.
DNR Fee Structures - Infra created work groups in 2016 to actively participate/negotiate with both the Air Pollution Control Program and Land Reclamation Program regarding new fee structures for various permits and annual site renewal fees.
Cutting Permit Time Down - In 2016 DNR’s Air Pollution Control Program agreed to a major improvement in obtaining permits for quarry operations, which also applies to sand/gravel plants, asphalt plants and concrete plants. This is a direct result of an earlier letter written to by Infra expressing frustration with aspects of obtaining permits for our industry.
Infra maintains several committees that actively work with federal and state regulatory authorities. The Safety Committee works with MSHA officials and the Missouri Department of Labor on issues revolving around safety and inspections. The Environmental Committee works directly with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources on issues dealing with land reclamation, permitting and environmental standards. Finally, the MoDOT Highway Cooperative Committee works with the Missouri Department of Transportation on issues dealing with aggregate specifications, road materials and aggregate technician training.
Infra maintains a Political Action Committee to raise funds to support the election of a slate of pro-business legislators. Prior to making a contribution to any candidate, Infra reviews candidate voting records on issues important to our industry. Once legislators are elected, Infra continues to monitor their voting records.
Over the years the PAC has supported candidates on both sides of the aisle. The funding has come from fundraising efforts through the annual Golf Tournament and Sporting Clays Tournament. Additional funds may be donated by individuals and corporations who wish to support the industry and the efforts of Infra through its advocacy work in Jefferson City.