Infra was organized in 1944 to promote and protect the interests of crushed stone operators located or doing business in the state. The association is involved in legislative issues; state and federal regulatory matters; community and public relations; and marketing of crushed stone products.
Crushed stone production is a vital industry in our state. It employs more than 2,500 people with a combined payroll of more than $70,000,000 annually. Millions of tons of crushed stone aggregate is produced each year in the state - about 10 tons for each of Missouri's citizens.

Infra maintains a full-time staff at 428 E Capital Avenue, Ste 203, Jefferson City, MO. This allows a continual involvement in the many important issues affecting the industry, as well as being better able to respond to periodic special needs that individual members may have.
Infra's bylaws provide for three categories of membership. Producer Members are engaged in the production or sales of crushed stone in Missouri. Affiliate Members are are engaged in a variety of mining operations, but do not meet the criteria of a Producer Member. Associate Members are suppliers of goods and services to the industry.
One of the most important functions of the association is its involvement in legislative issues. Members are able to take a united stand on proposed new environmental regulation, employee/employer matters, safety regulation, diversion of highway funds, additional taxes and other topics that may arise. The staff spends considerable time testifying before legislative committees, as well as making individual contacts with elected officials. This activity takes place on the State and Federal levels. An Infra Legislative Newsletter keeps members informed about the progress of important bills that have been introduced.
Another area that has become of increasing importance in recent years is environmental regulation. Infra is active in many environmental issues that have the potential to effect our industry. However, the most important are air pollution control, water pollution control and land reclamation. This is the area in which the association staff now devotes most of time.
Issues and information about the industry are discussed at the Association's Annual Meeting & Convention. Special workshops and seminars are also held on an as-needed basis.
The "heart and soul" of Infra is its active committees. These are attended by members to help us address environmental issues, safety issues, legislative matters aggregate specifications, product marketing and community/public relations. These committees provide valuable insight that helps guide the association's activities throughout the year, but they also provide a forum for members to share information/experiences about these topics.
Infra's policies, actions, and budget are established by the Board of Directors. The board is comprised of 13 members that are engaged in crushed stone production. Nominees are selected to give the board representation from large and small operations, with consideration given to maintaining a broad geographical distribution. Nominees are voted on by the entire membership at the association's Annual Meeting. There is also a representative on the board from Infra's associate members.
As a final note, Infra operates under compliance with applicable antitrust laws. New members are provided with an Antitrust Policy and Guidelines. Attendees at all Infra meetings are reminded of their requirements. If you are interested in Infra membership, please email